Grand Canyon with Friends

This past weekend I visited the Grand Canyon for the first time. I was with my long-time friend from high school, and his wife and daughter. We rented a car in Las Vegas and drove four and a half hours across some pretty amazing country. Despite leaving fairly early, we only just made it before sunset due to a long line up at the park entrance. I was actually getting worried that it would be too dark to see anything once we got in, and we had planned on driving back the same day, so it would have been a big waste. We did get in though, and somehow found a parking spot.
Like an excited ten-year old, I left my friends at the car while I headed toward the big hole in the ground.
GrandCanyonI originally had plans on doing some amazing landscapes, because… well that’s what you do when you are at the Grand Canyon, right? But alas, there wasn’t much time. Of course, I snapped a few photos….
GrandCanyon2But as I waited for my friends to catch up, it donned on me – as it does whenever I travel to beautiful locations on my own – that nothing is as beautiful as it is when it’s shared with the people you love. Sure, the Grand Canyon is awe-inspiring, but this picture below says it all.
Mom-Pop-and-babeSure, I will remember my trip to the Grand Canyon, but it won’t be the views that I will recall, at least not at first. It will be the road-trip. It will be the time spent in the car talking, laughing, and playing games with my friends that will come to mind when I reminisce about this trip.
Mom-and-babe2Our time spent at this amazing place was fleeting. Within minutes the sun had dipped beyond the canyon, and it was time to go. My time with my friends was fleeting too. I’m reminded of that fact each time I visit, and discover how much my niece, (honorary) has grown. My friends are so much more valuable to me than places, so I wasn’t disappointed when it came time to leave.
Mom-and-babePop-and-babeOur time is fleeting. And for what little time I have, I’m thankful for my friends, so that I may share their fleeting moments as well.